Community Christian Church was founded in August of 1987 by five families  truly led of God to begin a new work in the community of West Alexandria, Ohio. The desire of the founders was to be obedient to the Great Commission through an emphasis on evangelism. We believe that a church is to be a "hospital for sinners" not a "hotel for saints."  We are a non-denominational and Elder led congregation.

Worship services were first held in the homes of church members. Twenty-five people attended the first Sunday morning worship service on August 23, 1987. God blessed and souls were saved. The church grew to necessitate a new meeting place. On October 4, 1987 services moved to the West Alexandria Town Hall basement. Forty-eight persons were received as charter members on May 15, 1988. By 1989 the church had grown to 75 members. A building project began in the fall of 1989 and we moved into our current facility (11 Dorsey Akers Dr, West Alexandria, OH.) in March of 1990.

We give all the glory to God and praise Him for allowing us to be a part of His plan for West Alexandria. He continues to bless us today and we are excited to see where He will lead us in the future. In obedience to the Great Commission, we believe it is our responsibility to teach and disciple our members so they may grow in numbers to continue His work. We invite you to become a part of our church family and be blessed by God serving Him together to see people won to Christ.